Welcome to the Governors' page
Here is a brief description of what we do and who we are:
What we do
As school governors we provide strategic leadership for our school and play a vital role in making sure every child gets the best possible education. As well as sharing a common desire to be involved in supporting the school, the governing body has statutory duties by which it is legally bound.
The three core strategic functions and responsibilities of school governors are
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent.
In addition we:
monitor and evaluate how well the policies and plans of the school are working;
are held accountable for the school and governing body’s performance;
act as a “critical friend” to the school by challenging and supporting the senior management team and by taking opportunities to show interest in and appreciation of the work of staff and pupils.
Governor Meetings
The Governing Body meets twice a term and is supported by two main sub-committees which meet termly. These are the Standards and Improvement Committee, whose purpose is to focus on the curriculum and attainment, and the Finance, Buildings and Resources Committee which is responsible for financial aspects of the school. There is also a Pay Committee which agrees staff pay awards and a Headteacher Performance Committee.
In addition to our committee meetings we have working parties to look at specific areas of responsibility: for example the strategic plan, pupil premium spending and sports funding spending. We also have focus visits where we visit the school as part of our monitoring of the School Improvement Plan. These visits are a valuable opportunity for governors to work closely with staff members to gain a deeper understanding of some of the initiatives used in school to improve and sustain progress, for example phonics and the embedding of essential life skills.
Individually we take on specific roles and act as a link between the governing body and the school, for example in the areas of special educational needs and disability, healthy eating and PE, health and safety, ICT, and subjects including Maths and English.
All Governors receive a full induction and further training relevant to their committee membership and specific link area. Training is provided by Hampshire Governor Services.
We don’t get involved in the day to day running of the school which is for the Headteacher and her team, but hold the Head to account for the management of the school. Any comments relating to the day to day running of the school should be referred to the Headteacher.
Who we are
Hiltingbury Infant School Governing body is made up of representatives from staff, the local authority, parents and members of the community. Our diverse backgrounds give us a wide range of experience and views, enabling us to make informed decisions about the school collectively. The governing body is made up of 14 Governors including the Head Teacher. These are listed on the Hampshire County Council website and in the table below. The governing body has a clerk who supports us in an administrative and advisory capacity.
Governors’ Details
Name |
Category |
Body appointing |
Term of Office |
Attendance Record for 22/23 Academic Year |
Responsibilities / Committees |
Laura Aukolls |
Parent |
Parents |
4 Years – end date 28/01/2024 |
88% |
Safeguarding Governor
Phillippa Longman
Headteacher |
100% |
Laura Flood |
Staff Governor |
4 Years – end date 15/09/2024 |
100% |
Helen Boardman |
Co-opted |
Governing Body |
4 Years – end date 23/11/2024 |
88% |
Amy Ingram |
Co-opted |
Governing Body |
4 Years – end date 30/08/2024 |
100% |
Chair of Governing Body |
Daniel Newcombe |
Co-opted |
Governing Body |
4 Years – end date 23/11/2024 |
88% |
Health & Safety Governor |
Steve Wills |
Governing Body |
4 years – end date 23/11/2024 |
88% |
Chair of Headteacher Performance Management
Carly Bennell |
Co-opted |
Governing Body
4 years – end date 22/11/2025 |
71% |
Training Governor |
Celtie Lincoln |
Co-opted |
Governing Body
4 Years – end date 22/11/2025 |
Safeguarding Governor SEND Governor |
Sundeep Kasba
Parent |
Parents |
4 Years – end date 28/11/2026 |
66% |
Laura Jones
Authority |
Local Authority |
4 Years – end date 23/01/2027 |
100% |
Mohammed Fata
Parent |
Parents |
4 Years – end date 20/02/2027 |
33% |
Sebastian Day (resigned) | Co-opted | Governing Body | 30/11/2023 | ||
Dan Tubb (resigned) |
Parent | Parents | 30/11/2023 | ||
Ben Warcup (resigned) | Parent | Parents | 23/11/2024 |
Should you wish to speak to any of the governors, please contact them via the school office.
Guidelines for the election of parent governors