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Health & Safety

If at any time, there is anything worrying you or your child, please do not hesitate to contact the Class Teacher and/or Headteacher. The easiest method is to telephone the school for an appointment especially if you wish to discuss your child with his/her teacher. Similarly if your child's behaviour is causing concern at school, you will be contacted and we can then discuss the matter together.

It is important that you inform the school immediately of any change in your place of employment or change of telephone number so that in the case of sudden illness or accident, you can be contacted immediately.

There are strict policies and practices in place to safeguard children and we comply fully with DCfS and LA guidance in order to promote the safety and protection of children in the school. Any concerns about the wellbeing of a pupil will be reported to the Hampshire Referral and Assessment Department / Social Services Department.

We have close contact with the school nurse and the office hold a contact number for her should you wish to discuss something with her.  Each child has an appointment with the nurse shortly after their 5th birthday and parents may be present if they choose.

We inform parents if a child feels unwell during the school day so that the child may be taken home.  For this reason, and in case of emergencies, it is essential that we have up-to-date contact numbers where parents can be reached during school hours.

Children who are unwell should not be in school.  Please keep children at home for at least forty-eight hours after vomiting and diarrhoea to avoid the spread of infection.

In line with County advice and guidelines, school staff do not administer medicines, unless essential to a child’s continued good health.  Infant children must not bring any medicines to school themselves.

Some children require asthma inhalers or emergency use of epipens.  These will of course be kept in school and administered as required.  They should be clearly labelled with your child’s name and class, and updated when the expiry date is reached.  We ask that you complete a consent form for these medicines and we will record when a dose is given and by whom.

Many staff in school are ‘first aiders’. Minor accidents and abrasions are treated at school but if hospital treatment is considered necessary we shall inform you. The child will be accompanied to hospital by a member of staff if you are unavailable.

Staff are not allowed to administer ointments other than for chronic illnesses and only then with the permission of the Headteacher

A number of children suffer severe allergies; this can result in anaphylactic shock (a life threatening condition).  Although there are many reasons for allergy a common one is nuts and for this reason we ask you not to put any nut products in your child’s lunchbox.

Please note that as our young children are facing increasing risks with regard to skin cancer through sunburn, we would suggest that children bring some sort of head covering to wear in the playground at playtimes and lunch times during hot weather. We also request that parents / carers apply sun screen lotion before the start of the school day during sunny periods.

Head lice infestation has increased nationwide and we advise you to inspect your child's head regularly, at least once a week and seek the correct treatment if necessary. Daily combing of hair will help to keep the problem at bay.  Prevention of head lice is a parental responsibility; staff are not permitted to check children’s hair.  You will be informed of any reported cases of head lice occurring in your child’s class.

DRESS For health and safety reasons children are requested to change for P.E.  Children are encouraged to wear navy shorts and a tee shirt. Plimsolls are also required. A tracksuit or equivalent may be brought during the colder months. All of these should be named and kept in a named PE bag on your child's peg. Shorts and tee shirts may be bought independently or the tee shirt is available to order on our Uniform Order Form.  PE Bags are also available to order.  Click here to order.

JEWELLERY School policy is that no jewellery other than stud earrings and watches should be worn to school. This is a particularly important safety issue in P.E.  If stud earrings are worn then they will be taped for P.E.  Watches must be removed. Should there be a religious reason for the wearing of jewellery you are asked to discuss the matter with the Headteacher in order that the safety of your child and others can be ensured.

HAIR It is helpful during all school activities to have long hair tied back as it often gets in the way. For safety reasons it is essential that all long hair should be tied back during P.E. If you or your child forgets then he/ she will be given an elastic band and asked to do so him/herself.

GLASSES The majority of children remove these for P.E. Please ensure that your child's teacher knows what your son/daughter's opticians instructions are. If your son/daughter has to wear glasses during P.E. please obtain an elastic headband to secure them. These can be purchased from most good opticians.

MEDICAL If your child is unable or is restricted, due to medical reasons, to participate in P.E. please write a note to the Headteacher this effect. I am afraid that a verbal request is not sufficient.

INHALERS Please ensure that your child's class teacher is aware and that the timing and dosage of inhaler prior or during exercise is written down. Thank you.


May I remind you that it is School Policy that dogs are not allowed on the school grounds for reasons of safety and hygiene. Please do not leave any dog unattended outside the school gate, tied to the school fence or on the children’s route to school.

SAFETY REGULATIONS Please note that all Hampshire County Council’s safety regulations regarding safe practice in P.E. are adhered to at Hiltingbury Infant School. However, should an accident occur we do have a qualified first aider on the staff and you will be notified if it is of a serious nature.