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Pupil Premium

In this section, you will find out about pupil premium which was introduced in April 2011 and is additional funding given to schools to support children from low income families; or children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months (from April 2014 this was extended to include children who have been looked after for one day or more and children who are adopted on or after the 30th December 2005). This funding also goes to children whose parent/parents serve in the armed forces. 

At Hiltingbury Infant School, we have high aspirations for all our children and a determination that they will all do well in their academic attainment and progress as well as through our essential 'learner for life skills'. To ensure that this happens for our pupil premium children we will:

  • Carefully track the progress of all pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, ensuring that all staff are involved in the analysis of data and identification of pupils. 
  • Track spending against individual children. 
  • Ensure that all staff are aware of our pupil premium and vulnerable children. 
  • Ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all pupils. 
  • Ensure that appropriate provision is in place to support the needs of individuals, classes and groups. 
  • Ensure that children's individual needs are considered carefully. 
  • Provide emotional and social support for children. 
  • Ensure equal access for all curriculum and enrichment opportunities (school trips, school milk, bookshop etc.)

Please see the documents below for more information. 

If you would like to find out more about the Pupil Premium please visit the following link:

The following documents show how Hiltingbury Infant School have allocated and spent Pupil Premium funding and the impact this has already had and continues to have on pupil learning and progress.